Institutions of the EU
- Decision-tree to distinguish political systems
- Parliamentary (most European countries)
- Presidential (US)
- semi-presidential (France, Lithuania)
- Is the executive responsible to the legislative?
- Is the president elected directly for a fixed term?
- Voters elect national parliaments & EP
- European Commission is supranational → EU bureaucrats, not working in favor of MS
- National executives play legislative role in EU → Council
European Commission (COM)
- from ECSC’s High Authority
- managed & oversaw what happens in ECSC
- work similarly to national level governments → portfolios & DGs
- collegiality principle → decision tried to be taken as consensus & carried to the outside together
- presidentialization → UvdL more prominent than past presidents
- actual powers not changed fundamentally (a little in Nice Treaty)
- presidents have wielded more power
- set agenda, chair meetings, delegate → possibly also just realization
- Commission & MS:
- Interest to have commissioner from each MS → have to be a political figure in their respective country
- Commissioners usually belongs to same party as majority in MS governments
European Council (EUCO)
- Charles Michel current president of EUCO
- High profile meeting, EU summit
- not many formal procedural roles
- logrolling: find a package deal at a higher level → does not hinge on small pieces
Council of the European Union